
1 Shrimp Farm Pekalongan (2)

What is a Yayasan?

The role of Yayasans is very Important to Bamboo Micro Credit. By using Yayasans in each location we are able to ensure that we maximise the in-country on the ground security from a local organisation that understands the community and the people who work within it. Yayasans are foundation-like non-government organisations that are particularly useful to not-for-profit foreign entities (such as Bamboo Micro Credit Inc).They are specifically intended for social and humanitarian sectors, to assist Indonesians. They act as a worthy filter between foreign investors and Indonesians to ensure fairness, even handedness and objectivity in matters pertaining to the distribution of assets and money (in Bamboo’s case this means it assists with the distribution to our micro loans).

Yayasans are regulated by Law No. 16 of 2001 on Foundations, as amended by Law No. 28 of 2004 (Foundation Law) and the implementing regulations, Government Regulation No. 2 of 2013.

A Yayasan consists of a board of patrons (pembina), a board of managers (pengurus), and a board of supervisors (pengawas).

Why do we use Yayasans?

So by using a Yayasan, we can guarantee that almost all of the money donated towards Bamboo’s micro-lending program is actually used for the purpose it was intended. The people who devote their time to Yayasans are respected people within the Indonesian community. They understand the nuances of Indonesian life, and they are the best placed people to assist in the disbursement of loaned money and its repayment.  Yayasans are trusted organisations. They are important for not for profit organisations like Bamboo, because they constantly work to ensure that our loan portfolios are kept in order, and that our donations are used to benefit those in need.

How many Yayasans does Bamboo have and need?

Bamboo offers its micro-lending by appointment and appoints them as partners. Choosing the right Yayasan is an important task because we want our Yayasans to help those in poverty, and at the same time we want Yayasans to share in the common values and standards that Bamboo Micro Credit applies to itself.

Bamboo currently operates through three main Yayasans. One is known as YTAL and is based in Jogyakarta. The second is known as Daya Pertiwi, and operates out of Malang, in East Java.  Our third Yayasan is known as Bambu Daya Guna and is located in Bukitinggi on the island of Sumatra. To find out more about our Yayasans please check our regular blogs and newsletters where we provide regular updates of our micro-lending endeavours

Bamboo Micro Credit is always on the lookout for new opportunities and the formation of additional trusted relationships. We are currently pursuing several new opportunities and will update members on new connections with Yayasans as they come on board.

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