
Bamboo Micro Credit Director Adam Peaty (r) and supporter Tony Burgoyne (l) presenting to students at Iona College information on micro credit and Bamboo Micro Credit in Indonesia. December 2018.

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Would you like Bamboo Micro Credit to visit your school?

Bamboo have a dedicated team of volunteers who can come to your school (or workplace) and tell you about how Bamboo Micro Credit works and why micro lending is such an important practice – especially for our nearest neighbours in Indonesia.
For school classes, Bamboo presentations can be used in Indonesian classes, social studies classes, or leadership and ethics conversations. We have powerpoint presentations, activities, and a range of interactions designed to teach children and future leaders more about the values and expectations of interest-free micro lending.
We have a fascinating range of success stories to explain to students. You will be surprised and amazed at what Indonesians can do to climb out of poverty and into a way of life that means they can live a better life. For Indonesians, climbing out of poverty means being able to eat, and sleep, in safety and security. Families can send their children to school, and kids can get an education so that their families can enjoy an improved life in the future.

Want more information?

If you would like to know more about our schools program, contact us at or call us on 0431 039 909 and we will respond to the call.

How much does it cost?

Our visits are free of charge, although sometimes we find that interested people and groups will want to join Bamboo so that they can find out more about what we do.
We offer a one year associate membership for just $10, so that school children can learn more and become important members of the Bamboo community.

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